Phoenix Haven Lineups/Strats

A site

- Molly A long to A short corner (1)

Lineup & Explanation

In an A split when you are pushing long, this molly can be thrown to help your teammates on short.

- Molly A long to A short corner(2)

Lineup & Explanation

Same as the last spot just a different lineup.

- Molly retake A

Lineup & Explanation

As a result of an A take, a lot of enemys want to play this spot in a post plant.

- Quick Mollys to clear corner A long

Lineup & Explanation

Quick molly to clear the long corner if the enemy had the chance to push up.

- Wall retake A ct to box

Lineup & Explanation

Wall to retake A closing the close corner angle as well as A short allowing to get on site.

- Wall A long to box

Lineup & Explanation

Wall from A long to box closing the A short angle allowing to get on site.

- Wall B split

Lineup & Explanation

Wall to split B site getting on site for a plant or to get to B backsite/A site.

C site

- Wall C long to C site

Lineup & Explanation

Wall from C long to C site closing the connector/garage angle to get on site easier.

- Wall connector to C site

Lineup & Explanation

Wall from connector to C site closing the backsite/spawn angle to get on site easier.

- Molly into garage

Lineup & Explanation

Quick molly if you are pushing into garage. Be careful because your enemys might take damage.