Brimstone Haven Lineups/Strats

A site

- Molly A long to heaven (1)

LineUp & Explanation

For this lineup you need to jump and shoot.

Apart form that, the molly should be used to deny the enemy the heaven angle. Despite of the molley you still might want to smoke heaven while pushing in. But only using a smoke makes your team vulnerable to an enemy spamming from heaven through the smoke.

- Molly A long to heaven (2)

LineUp & Explanation

Same as to the previous one this molly should be used to deny the enemy the heaven angle. Despite of the molley you still might want to smoke heaven while pushing in. But only using a smoke makes your team vulnerable to an enemy spamming from heaven through the smoke.

- Molly A long to heaven (3)

LineUp & Explanation

Same as to the previous one this molly should be used to deny the enemy the heaven angle. Despite of the molley you still might want to smoke heaven while pushing in. But only using a smoke makes your team vulnerable to an enemy spamming from heaven through the smoke.

- Molly A long to ct

LineUp & Explanation

Due to the fact that enemys playing on B site a lot of the time they don’t have a long rotation to get to A if you are pushing in. Therefore this molly can stop an early retake attempt or reinforcments.

- Molly A long to default (1)

LineUp & Explanation

Because the molly lands on the left side of the default box this is great in a post plant. However if your teammate has planted all the way on the right side you want to use the other lineup.

- Molly A long to default (2)

LineUp & Explanation

In short a post plant molly for the default plant spot on the right side of the box.

- Molly A long to leftside box

LineUp & Explanation

Similar to the first Molly to default this one lands on the left side and is great in a post plant.

- Molly A long to A backsite

LineUp & Explanation

Whereas the post plant mollys land on the frontside, this one lands on the backsite. Therefore it should be used while executing on site to deny an angle and force the opponent into the open.

- Molly retake ct to A corner

LineUp & Explanation

Due to the corner being a commonly played after plant angle, this molly is great to force the opponent into the open. Also allowing you to easier clear the site because it deny an angle that you would be open from while clearing hell.

- Oneway smoke for A sewer/short

LineUp & Explanation

Generally speaking a more niche oneway as it can only be used when the enemy is pushing from short into side and you already rotated to A and have the smoke setup.

- 2 smokes execute A site

LineUp & Explanation

Standart smokes for an A execute, smoking heaven and ct.

B site

- Molly A lobby to B frontsite

LineUp & Explanation

Firstly this is a great molly in a post plant to deny the defuse. Secondly this can be thrown out early into the round to get mid control.

- 2 smokes B site execute

LineUp & Explanation

Standart B execute smokes, smoking left and right side allowing plant up front. Another play you can make is smoking only the right side and moving through B to A.

C site

- Molly C lobby to C plateau

LineUp & Explanation

Owing to the fact that the plat angle is somewhat hard to clear and can be easily forgotten about, this molly clears it out. Since the molly does not last forever make sure to push in while it it still up.

- Molly C long to C plateau

LineUp & Explanation

Similar to the first one, this clears the plat angle. Use it to get onto C site.

- Molly C long to default (1)

LineUp & Explanation

A good post plant molly in a nutshell. Takes a second to land but covers all of default.

- Molly C long to default (2)

LineUp & Explanation

The former lineup takes the molly a bit longer to land therefore this one can be used if the molly needs to come down faster.

- Molly C lobby to C backsite

LineUp & Explanation

Great molly to thrown for an C execute. However since you are quite far from the site it can also be used to sell a fake. together with some smokes.

- Oneway smoke garage to C long

LineUp & Explanation

As a defender this oneway can be used to help out your C player if the opponent is pushing C long. Although it can only be played from deep garage it can get you an easy kill and prepare for a retake.

- Oneway smoke on site C

LineUp & Explanation

While this oneway is more niche it can be thrown down to surprise the enemy resulting in a free kill.

- 3 smokes C long execute


Standart smokes for a C execute if you have teammates coming from garage. The plateau smoke is not mandatory but if not used its an angle that can be played by the enemy team.

- 2 smokes C long execute


Similar to the previous one but you get no plateau smoke. Because of that you might want to use your molly for plat with these smokes.

- 3 smokes C split


Unlike the previous ones these are thown for a C split. To clarify a C split means that you have teammate attacking from 2 different angles splitting the site.