Brimstone Haven Lineups/Strats
A site
- Molly A long to heaven (1)
LineUp & Explanation
- Molly A long to heaven (2)
- Molly A long to heaven (3)
- 2 smokes execute A site
LineUp & Explanation
Standart smokes for an A execute, smoking heaven and ct.
B site
- 2 smokes B site execute
LineUp & Explanation
Standart B execute smokes, smoking left and right side allowing plant up front. Another play you can make is smoking only the right side and moving through B to A.
C site
- 3 smokes C long execute
Standart smokes for a C execute if you have teammates coming from garage. The plateau smoke is not mandatory but if not used its an angle that can be played by the enemy team.
- 2 smokes C long execute
Similar to the previous one but you get no plateau smoke. Because of that you might want to use your molly for plat with these smokes.
- 3 smokes C split
Unlike the previous ones these are thown for a C split. To clarify a C split means that you have teammate attacking from 2 different angles splitting the site.