Equip a fusion charge. Fire the charge to set a slow-actin burst through the wall. The burst dows heavy damage to anyone caught in its area.
Equip a blinding charge. Fire the charge to set a fast-acting burst through the wall. The charge detonates to blind all players looking at it
Fault line
Equip a seismic blast. Hold Fire to increase the distance. Release to set off the quake, dazing all players in its zone and in a line up to the zone.

Rolling THunder
Equip a seismic charge. Fire to send a cascading quake through all terrain in a large cone. The quake dazes and knocks up anyone caught in it.
Breach lineups for all maps
Breach Tips & Tricks
- Fault line has a minimap indicator, so use it to aim for longer ranges.
- Charging Fault Line longer doesn’t increase the stun duration. Therefore you can just tap it if you want to stun close.
- Aftershock takes 2 seconds to detonate. Because of that delay its importent to hold the corner you want to clear as an enemy will move out of it.
- The distance of Aftershock is surprisingly long. As a result you don’t have to stand close to the corner you want to blast.
- Your Flashes can hit your allies, so be careful when using them.
- Similar to Fault Line your ult has a minimap indicator. Therefore you should aim with the minimap.
- Rolling Thunder can interrup an enemy planting or defusing. In other words play time when you got the bomb down and listen for the defuse sound.
- Breach’s abilites all can go through walls, meaning you dont have to expose yourself to use them.
- All of Breach’s abilities work best when you have a coordinated team.