Equip a trapwire. Fire to place a destructible and covert tripware at the targeted location, creating a line that spans between the placed location and the wall opposite. Enemy players who cross a tripwire will be tethered, revealed, and dazed after a short period if they do not destroy the device in time. This ability can be picked up to be redeployed.
Cyber Cage
Instantly toss the cyber cage in front of Cypher. Activate to create a zone that blocks vision.
Equip a spycam. Fire to place the spycam at the targeted location. REUSE this ability to take control of the camera's view. While in control of the camera. Fire to shoot a marking dart. This dart will reveal the location of any player struck by the dart.

neural theft
Instantly use on a dead enemy player in your crosshairs to reveal the location of all living enemy players.
Cypher lineups for all maps
Cypher Tips & Tricks
- Your Spycam has no duration. Therefore it last until it gets destroyed, taken back from you or the round ends.
- Above all is being unpredictable with Cypher. Having your cages, trips and cams in diffrent spots avoids enemys killing of your untility easily.
- Trapwires have a maximum distance they can spread. Consequently you cant place map spreading trips.
- The Tripwires are actually called trapwires. This is not usful information gameplaywise, but it can be used to anoy your teammates or friends.
- Cages can be placed in elevated spots creating oneways. For examples on specific maps visit Ascent/Bind/Haven/Split
- Enemys crossing your cages make a sound alerting you that they are pushing through.
- You don’t need line-of-sight to activate your cages.
Cypher Guide for Ascent
Cypher Guide for lineups on Ascent. Firstly this guide gives you 9 oneway smokes aswell as cam spots on both bombsites. Secondly there are 2 Full setups for both bombsites. Further a nice mid oneway cage aswell as cages for offense.
The first A site setup is purly for the A site with cages on A main and A door. The second one has a cage on A short helping out your short player or allowing you to solo the site.
Similar on B there is one defensive standart setup and one for an aggressive push early in the round.