Brimstone Bind Lineups/Strats

A site

- Molly A lobby to backsite tetris

Lineup & Explanation

Line Up Brimstone A SiteUse this molly if you are pushing A site from showers to clear out tetris. Also usable as a post plant molly if you planted on frontside tetris, but it has to be planted all the way in the corner or the enemy will have a safe spot to defuse:

- Molly A lobby to frontside tetris

Lineup & Explanation

This one is mostly used as a post plant molly. To clarify use this when you hear the enemy defusing or when the time runs low. As a result you can get an easy roundwin.

- Molly A lobby to backsite corner

Lineup & Explanation

Clears the backsite corner on A. However it only clears the tight corner resulting in enemy still being able to play somewhere backsite. Still a good molly for an A execute.

- Molly A short to default

Lineup & Explanation

In short a post plant molly for the default plant spot. Therefore it should be used after you get the bomb down and hear the enemy trying to defuse. While this molly is up the enemy can’t defuse the bomb.

- Oneway smoke A short

Lineup & Explanation

Oneway similar to Vipers or Omens on A short. Having this up results in an easy hold for short. However it takes a second to land so it has to be timed very well.

- 3 smokes frontsite execute


Smokes of the frontsite, denies the heaven angle to short and shower. Only use this if you also have someone coming from showers otherwise use the frontsite corner smokes.

- 3 smokes frontsite corner execute


The standart execute smokes. Denies the heaven angle to short and gives your team the frontsite corner to plant.

B site

- Molly B short to B cubby

Lineup & Explanation

Retake molly if you are coming from Ct. Firstly to clear out a commonly played post plant angle and it can get you an easy kill if enemys have to move out. Also you don’t have to turn and check this angle while retaking the site.

- Molly B short to B site box

Lineup & Explanation

In the first place a post plant molly for the right side and top of the box plant. However it can also be used if the enemy is playing with an OP on B site and you are scared of the box to hookah angle.

- Molly hookah to inside box

Lineup & Explanation

The first point is to clear out enemys playing inside the box and force them to play a more predictable angle. Furthermore it can be used as a post plant molly if your team planted inside the box.

- Molly B long to default

Lineup & Explanation

In short a post plant molly to the default spot.

- Molly Ct to B cubby

Lineup & Explanation

Great molly to use if you are pushing B site because it clears all of B cubby and is easy to line up. However only use this if you already have hookah control otherwise it will take your team too long to capitalize.

- Oneway smoke B site


Besides from being a oneway smoke it also covers the left side angle for enemys peaking resulting in a easier push for your team.

- 3 smokes B execute


The following smokes on the frontsite and elbow allowing your team plant on default/frontsite.